Babes in the woods

Get outside

Can a walk in the woods really change us? Scientists are beginning to think so. There’s evidence to suggest that being in a busy city environment can reduce the brain’s capacity to remember things and lower self-control. Kids are driven to school and back, and off to soccer practice, and then when they get home, they turn on the computer or TV and settle down to an evening of screen-tertainment. The growing children and nature movement suggests children’s problems with obesity, attention span and lack of understanding of the environment are connected to less outdoor play and exposure to nature. Do you have nature-deficit disorder?

Listen to the show: Babes in the woods (Download full episode, October 9) or listen to it from the CKUT archive.

Find out more

Children and Nature Network
Environment Canada’s Biokits
Child & Nature Alliance

Red Fox Remix

Here’s a treat: Growing up in Toronto in the 1970s, I was exposed to Hinterland Who’s Who–one-minute wildlife video segments about muskox, moose and the mighty beaver. (See the Red Fox below.) Now the Canadian Wildlife Service and the Canadian Wildlife Federation have opened the nostalgia gates for parents across Canada and giving kids the chance to remix their own Hinterland Who’s Who. It’s brilliant. Make your own HWW remix with your favourite Canadian critter. Don’t forget to upload it to the HWW YouTube channel.

HWW video Copyright CWS, CWF (2005) Please direct any questions about the video to

Written by Hannah

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