The Atlantic | Arctic Deeply | Audubon | bioGraphic | Discover

The Globe and Mail | Hakai | Living Bird | Maclean’s | Nature

Nature Climate Change | New Scientist | The New York Times | NOVA/PBS | Sapiens

Science | Science News | The Toronto Star | Undark

The Atlantic

Arctic Deeply



  • Butterflies in the Storm. Battling rising seas and creeping asphalt, scientists race to save two endangered species.
  • Sea Change. The Arctic Ocean is beginning to look and act more like the Atlantic. It’s a shift that threatens to upend an entire food web built on frigid waters.
  • High Stakes in the High North. A remote island that harbored the world’s last mammoths is becoming a holdout for Arctic wildlife once again.


The Globe and Mail


Living Bird


  • Frozen Assets. Ice cores tell the history of Canada’s climate, but now the government doesn’t want them anymore
  • The new lice wars. Despite evidence that it’s time to abandon the no-nit rule requiring kids be sent home, schools have yet to get the message
  • The root of the ginseng industry’s problem. Demand from China is driving sales of the cultivated root from Canada—and encouraging poachers in the U.S.


Nature Climate Change

New Scientist

The New York Times



  • History Lost to Sea. Researchers are racing to record—and save—the cultural treasures of the western Canadian Arctic before they fall victim to climate change.


Science News

The Toronto Star
